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ITable is an external area for implementing scrolling lists in 4th Dimension layouts. ITable provides features not available in 4th Dimension layouts.

ITable has got over 70 commands in several groups: area initialisation, appearance, content and selection control, user interaction, iteration, 4D callbacks, and others. Using the function developer can exercise full controll over area, including its look, behaviour and displayed values. See the ITable on-line manual.

Developers can design modern-looking lists with little or no programming at all. ITable supports new features offered by operating services, as Appearance Manager and Navigation Services on Macintosh and Windows appearance settings, drag and drop and customizable contextual menu on both platforms.

Just check the checkboxes and ITable will display appearance compliant list with user-resizable columns, button-like headers, highlighted sort columns, contextual menu and appearance-savvy scrollbars.

See example of display of Finder-like list with contextual menu using ITable.

ITable can display records from current selection or 4D arrays without any programming. With the help of 4D callback function, programer can display data from other sources, including hierarchical lists, sets, named selections or data coming from external sources.

See example of display of hierarchical list using ITable. See the example code of 4D callback function for display of 4D hierarchical list in ITable area.

Values displayed in ITable columns can come from different sources. Beside fields and 4D arrays, ITable can display values returned by 4D methods and expressions. For the most complex tables, line procedures can prepare data and set formatting for whole row.

Values can be formated on the column and individual cell level. It is possible to choose text font, style, size, color and format for each column. The style can be overriden for each individual cell by the callback functions.

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